Standards and current regulations
79°C Special Lithium Battery Automatic Fire Extinguisher High security cabinet 90 min lithium batteries 2 doors + 1 fire extinguisher EX200LI + 4 shelves E35LI High security cabinet 90 min lithium batteries 2 doors + 1 fire extinguisher EX200LI + 4 shelves E35LI Low Safety cabinet 90 min for lithium batteries 2 doors + VIG190 + 2 E35LI Low Safety cabinet 90 min for lithium batteries 2 doors + VIG190 + 2 E35LI Low security cabinet 90 min lithium batteries 2 doors + 1 fire extinguisher EX100LI + 2 shelves E35LI Low security cabinet 90 min lithium batteries 2 doors + 1 fire extinguisher EX100LI + 2 shelves E35LI Safety cabinet 90 min for lithium batteries High 2 doors + VIG290 + 4 E35LI Safety cabinet 90 min for lithium batteries High 2 doors + VIG290 + 4 E35LI Safety cabinet 90 min lithium batteries Counter 1 door + 2 E48Li + Vig190 Safety cabinet 90 min lithium batteries Counter 1 door + 2 E48Li + Vig190 Safety cabinet 90 min lithium batteries Counter 1 door with 1 fire extinguisher EX100LI + 2 shelves E48LI Safety cabinet 90 min lithium batteries Counter 1 door with 1 fire extinguisher EX100LI + 2 shelves E48LI Safety cabinet 90 min lithium batteries hight 1 door + 4 E48Li + Vig190 Safety cabinet 90 min lithium batteries hight 1 door + 4 E48Li + Vig190 Safety cabinet 90 min lithium batteries hight 1 door with 1 fire extinguisher EX100LI + 4 shelves E48LI Safety cabinet 90 min lithium batteries hight 1 door with 1 fire extinguisher EX100LI + 4 shelves E48LI Security and control kit including visual and audible alarm, control box, smoke detector, fire extinguisher EX100LI Security cabinet - Tall cabinet 2 doors to equip Security cabinet - Tall cabinet 2 doors to equip Security cabinet 90 min lithium batteries - Counter cabinet 1 door to equip Security cabinet 90 min lithium batteries - Counter cabinet 1 door to equip Security cabinet 90 min lithium batteries - Counter cabinet 2 doors to equip Security cabinet 90 min lithium batteries - Counter cabinet 2 doors to equip Security cabinet 90 min lithium batteries - Tall cabinet 1 door to equip Security cabinet 90 min lithium batteries - Tall cabinet 1 door to equip
2 doors hight lithium battery safety cabinet to be fitted 2 doors hight lithium battery safety cabinet to be fitted 2-door counter lithium battery safety cabinet to be fitted 2-door counter lithium battery safety cabinet to be fitted perforated shelf Safety cabinet lithium batteries counter 2 doors + EX100Li + E04Li Safety cabinet lithium batteries counter 2 doors + EX100Li + E06Li Safety cabinet lithium batteries tall 2 doors + EX200Li + 5 E04Li
4 outlet safety UPS for VIG190 & VIG290 Breakthrough for cable entry with fire-resistant cable Breakthrough for cable entry with fire-resistant cable for range 5Li Code lock for 14ELI/14FLI series Connected smoke detector with alarm and wifi connection. Electronic code lock for lithium cabinet Fire extinguisher with automatic activation at 79°C by special lithium thermal bulb for 790+1FLI and 790+2FLI Hole for cable entry with cable entry at bottom for 1 cable. Internal cable duct at the top Perforated shelf for 1-door safety cabinet Perforated shelf for 2-door safety cabinet Rack of 6 electrical outlets equipped with a thermal-magnetic circuit breaker Rack of 8 electric outlets type F (Germany) Rack of 8 electrical outlets type J (Switzerland) Rack of 9 electrical outlets Rack of 9 electrical outlets (copie) Visual & audible alarm + control box + smoke detector + fire extinguisher EX100Li + cable duct Visual & audible alarm + control box + smoke detector + fire extinguisher EX200Li + cable duct
Transport case 1 compartment Transport case 2 compartments
Additional level for cabinet 790+2FLI Perforated shelf for wardrobe 790+1FLI Retention bin for 790+2FLI cabinet Retention bin for cabinet 790+1FLI Safety cabinet for storing lithium-ion batteries Safety cabinet for storing lithium-ion batteries equiped Safety cabinet for storing lithium-ion batteries equiped Safety cabinet for storing lithium-ion batteries fitted with Safety cabinet for storing lithium-ion batteries fitted with Safety cabinet for the storage of lithium-ion batteries to be equipped Security and alarm kit for 790+1FLI and 790+2FLI Shelving with 4 perforated levels for 790+2FLI
1 door counter cabinet for storing and recharging lithium batteries 1 door counter cabinet for storing and recharging lithium batteries (copie) 1 door tall cabinet for storing and recharging lithium batteries 1 door tall cabinet for storing and recharging lithium batteries (copie) 2 doors counter cabinet for storing and recharging lithium batteries 2 doors counter cabinet for storing and recharging lithium batteries (copie) 2 doors tall cabinet for storing and recharging lithium batteries 2 doors tall cabinet for storing and recharging lithium batteries (copie) perforated shelf for AZ51BLI and AZ151BLI models perforated shelf for model type AZ111BLI and AZ301BLI WiFi alarm and data logger system
1 door counter cabinet with 2 cushions 1 door counter cabinet with 2 cushions (copie) 1-door tall cupboard with 2 fireproof cushions 1-door tall cupboard with 2 fireproof cushions (copie) 2 doors tall cupboard with 4 fireproof cushions 2 doors tall cupboard with 4 fireproof cushions (copie) 2-door counter cabinet with 2 fireproof cushions 2-door counter cabinet with 2 fireproof cushions (copie) Fire-retardant and absorbent cushion for AZ150BLI and AZ50BLI Fire-retardant and absorbent cushion for AZ300BLI and AZ110BLI Retention shelf/bin for A110BLI and AZ300BLI Retention shelf/bin for AZ50BLI and AZ150BLI
Lithium battery fire extinguisher Lithium battery fire extinguisher
1 door cabinet with compartments for the storage of lithium batteries 1 door cabinet with compartments for the storage of lithium batteries 1 door cabinet with compartments for the storage of lithium batteries 1 door cabinet with compartments for the storage of lithium batteries 2 doors cabinet with compartments for the storage of lithium batteries 2 doors cabinet with compartments for the storage of lithium batteries 2 doors cabinet with compartments for the storage of lithium batteries 2 doors cabinet with compartments for the storage of lithium batteries
2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - for maritime motion 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - for maritime motion
Containment sump for 1 drum Safety cabinet 90 minutes - 1 drum Safety cabinet 90 minutes - 1 drum Safety cabinet 90 minutes - 2 drums
2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 2- door working cover safety cabinet Type 90 4G transmitter for wireless connection between the connected shelves and the software management Abonnement annuel pour un logiciel de gestion permettant l’exploitation et la lecture des données pour l’inventaire automatique pour 1 socle connecté Annual subscription for real time data extraction for 1 connected base Cable entry hole with fire-resistant at the bottom (max. 4 cables) Cable for double connection: RJ45 cable for connection to the building network + power cable for electrical connection for 1 cabinet Connected base with NFC technology for E35 shelf Pack of 10 standard RFID(2) sensors for automatic inventory for single use only Retention shelf for 2-door cabinet Retention shelf in white PVC, 3/10ths thick for E35 shelf
1- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 1- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 (copie) 1- door underbench safety cabinet Type 90 1- door underbench safety cabinet Type 90 (copie) 1- door working cover safety cabinet Type 90 1- sliding door underbench safety cabinet Type 90 1- sliding door underbench safety cabinet Type 90 1- yellow door tall safety cabinet Type 90 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 2- door underbench safety cabinet Type 90 2- door underbench safety cabinet Type 90 (copie) 2- door working cover safety cabinet Type 90 2- door working cover safety cabinet Type 90 (copie) 2- door working cover safety cabinet Type 90 (copie) 2- yellow door tall safety cabinet Type 90 Containment sump for 2- door cabinets Types 60 & 90 W 900 mm Containment sump in PVC for 1-door or multirisk safety cabinets Types 30, 60 & 90 Electronic code lock Perforated cover plate for 2- door cabinets Types 60 & 90 W 900 mm Perforated cover plate for cabinets 761T - 791T Perforated cover plate for cabinets 762T - 792T Protection shelf in PVC for 1-door or multirisk safety cabinets Types 30, 60 & 90 Retention rack for 790+2F (4 levels) Retention shelf for 2- door cabinets Types 60 & 90 W 900 mm Sliding drawer for 1-door or multirisk safety cabinets Types 30, 60 & 90 Sliding drawer for 2- door cabinets Types 60 & 90 W 900 mm Sliding drawer for 2-door safety cabinets Types 30, 60 & 90
1- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 with 4 sliding drawers 1- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 with 5 sliding drawers 1- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 with 6 sliding drawers 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 with 4 sliding drawers 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 with 5 sliding drawers 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 with 6 sliding drawers
1- door underbench safety cabinet Type 90 - with waste recovery 2- door underbench safety cabinet Type 90 - with waste recovery
1- door tall safety cabinet Type 60 1- door tall safety cabinet Type 60 1- door underbench safety cabinet Type 60 1- door underbench safety cabinet Type 60 1- door working cover safety cabinet Type 60 1- door working cover safety cabinet Type 60 1- sliding door underbench safety cabinet Type 60 1- sliding door underbench safety cabinet Type 60 1- yellow door tall safety cabinet Type 60 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 60 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 60 2- door underbench safety cabinet Type 60 2- door underbench safety cabinet Type 60 2- door working cover safety cabinet Type 60 2- door working cover safety cabinet Type 60 2- yellow door tall safety cabinet Type 60
1- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 1- door underbench safety cabinet Type 30 2 doors safety cabinet Type 30 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 2- door underbench safety cabinet Type 30 Containment sump for cabinet 3036UE Containment sump for cabinets 3033UE - 3035UE Retention shelf for cabinet 3036UE Retention shelf for cabinets 3033UE - 3035UE
1- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 with 4 sliding drawers 1- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 with 5 sliding drawers 1- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 with 6 sliding drawers 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 with 4 sliding drawers 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 with 5 sliding drawers 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 with 6 sliding drawers
1- glass door tall safety cabinet Type 30 2- glass door tall safety cabinet Type 30
1- sliding door underbench safety cabinet Type 30 1- sliding door underbench safety cabinet Type 30
1- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 for gas cylinders 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 for gas cylinders Galvanized steel ramp for 7634BG or 7635BG Horizontal rail for mounting 2 cylinders B50 Horizontal rail for mounting 4 cylinders B50 Shelf for 1 cylinder type B2, B5, B10, B11, B15 or B20
120g CO2 extinguisher 500g CO2 extinguisher Additional shelf for AMS100 - AMS100SE Additional shelf for AMS200 - AMS200SE Safety cabinet for flammable products - With CO2 extinguisher Safety cabinet for flammable products - With CO2 extinguisher Safety cabinet for flammable products - Without extinguisher Safety cabinet for flammable products - Without extinguisher Under-bench safety cabinet for flammable products - With CO2 extinguisher Under-bench safety cabinet for flammable products - With CO2 extinguisher
1- door tall safety cabinet for flammables 1- door tall safety cabinet for flammables 1- door working cover safety cabinet for flammables 1- door working cover safety cabinet for flammables 1- door working cover safety cabinet for flammables for flammables 1- door working cover safety cabinet for flammables for flammables (copie) 2- door tall safety cabinet for flammables 2- door tall safety cabinet for flammables 2- door tall safety cabinet for flammables 2- door tall safety cabinet for flammables 2- door tall safety cabinet for flammables 2- door tall safety cabinet for flammables 2- door underbench safety cabinet for flammables 2- door underbench safety cabinet for flammables 2- door working cover safety cabinet for flammables 2- door working cover safety cabinet for flammables Shelf for cabinets MB12 - SB12 Shelf for cabinets MB18 - SB18 Shelf for cabinets MB22 - SB22 Shelf for cabinets MB30 - SB30 Shelf for cabinets MC45 - SC45 Shelf for cabinets MC60 - SC60 Shelf for cabinets MC90 - SC90
2- door tall safety cabinet 2- door tall safety cabinet 2- door tall safety cabinet 2- door tall safety cabinet 2- door underbench safety cabinet for flammables 2- door working cover safety cabinet 2- door working cover safety cabinet 2- door working cover safety cabinet 2- door working cover safety cabinet 2- door working cover safety cabinet 2- door working cover safety cabinet 2- door working cover safety cabinet 2- door working cover safety cabinet Additional containment sump Additional containment sump Additional containment sump Additional retention shelf Additional retention shelf Additional retention shelf Containment sump in PVC Containment sump in PVC Self closing system at 70°C with open doors locking system Shelf protection in PVC Shelf protection in PVC
Eco-designed safety cabinet for acids and bases - 2 sliding door counter Eco-designed safety cabinet for acids and bases - 2 sliding doors Eco-designed safety cabinet for acids and bases - High 2 hinged doors Eco-designed safety cabinet for acids and bases - High 2 sliding doors Eco-designed safety cabinet for acids and bases - High 3 swinging doors Eco-designed safety cabinet for acids and bases - low 1 hinged door
1- door large safety cabinet for corrosives 1- door large safety cabinet for corrosives 1- door underbench safety cabinet for corrosives 1- door underbench safety cabinet for corrosives 2- door large safety cabinet for corrosives 2- door large safety cabinet for corrosives 2- door large safety cabinet for corrosives 2- door large safety cabinet for corrosives 2- door underbench safety cabinet for corrosives 2- door underbench safety cabinet for corrosives 2- door working cover style safety cabinet for corrosives 2- door working cover style safety cabinet for corrosives 2- door working cover style safety cabinet for corrosives 2- door working cover style safety cabinet for corrosives Shelf for cabinets B18M - B18S Shelf for cabinets B22M - B22S Shelf for cabinets B24M - B24S Shelf for cabinets B30M - B30S Shelf for cabinets B45M - B45S Shelf for cabinets B60M - B60S
1- door underbench PVC safety cabinet for acids and bases 2- door tall PVC safety cabine for acids and bases 2- door tall PVC safety cabinet for acids and bases 2- door tall PVC safety cabinet for acids and bases 2- door working cover PVC safety cabinet for acids and bases 3- door tall PVC safety cabinet for acids and bases
1- door underbench melamine safety cabinet for acids and bases 2- door tall melamine safety cabinet for acids and bases 2- door tall melamine safety cabinet for acids and bases 2- door tall melamine safety cabinet for acids and bases 2- door working cover melamine safety cabinet for acids and bases 3- door tall melamine safety cabinet for acids and bases
1- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - 2 compartments 1- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - 3 compartments 1- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - 4 compartments 1- door working cover safety cabinet Type 90 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - 2 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - 3 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - 4 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - 4 compartments 2- door underbench safety cabinet Type 90 - 2 compartments 2- door working cover safety cabinet Type 90 - 2 compartments 2- door working cover safety cabinet Type 90 - 3 compartments
1- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 - 2 compartments 1- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 - 3 compartments 1- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 - 4 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 - 2 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 - 3 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 - 4 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 - 4 compartments 2- door underbench safety cabinet type 30 - 2 compartments
1- blue door working cover safety cabinet 1- blue door working cover safety cabinet 1- green door working cover safety cabinet 1- green door working cover safety cabinet 1- red door working cover safety cabinet 1- red door working cover safety cabinet 1- yellow door working cover safety cabinet 1- yellow door working cover safety cabinet 2- blue door working cover safety cabinet 2- blue door working cover safety cabinet 2- green door working cover safety cabinet 2- green door working cover safety cabinet 2- red door working cover safety cabinet 2- red door working cover safety cabinet 2- yellow door working cover safety cabinet 2- yellow door working cover safety cabinet Containment sump for AZ110 - AZ300 - AC300 Containment sump for AZ50 - AZ150 - AC150 Opening vent for range 14.E Perforated cover plate for cabinets AZ110 - AZ300 Perforated cover plate for cabinets AZ50 - AZ150
1- door tall safety cabinet 1- door tall safety cabinet 1- door under-bench safety cabinet 1- glass door tall safety cabinet 2- door tall safety cabinet 2- door tall safety cabinet - 2 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet - 2 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet - 2 compartments, including PVC equipments for acids 2- door tall safety cabinet - 4 compartments 2- door under-bench safety cabinet 2- door under-bench safety cabinet - 2 compartments, including PVC equipments for acids 2- door ventilated under-bench safety cabinet - 2 compartments, including PVC equipments for acids 2- glass door tall safety cabinet 2- glass door tall safety cabinet - 2 compartments 2- glass door tall safety cabinet - 4 compartments 2- sliding door tall safety cabinet - 2 compartments 3- door tall safety cabinet - 3 compartments 3- door tall safety cabinet - 3 compartments, including PVC equipments for acids 3- sliding door tall safety cabinet - 3 compartments 3- sliding door tall safety cabinet - 3 compartments 4- door tall safety cabinet - 4 compartments 4- door tall safety cabinet - 4 compartments, including PVC equipments for acids Retention shelf Retention shelf Retention shelf for ASDP - ASDD - ASDV Retention shelf fot A1T - A2T- A3T - A4T
1-door large sheet steel safety cabinet 1-door large sheet steel safety cabinet 2-door large sheet steel safety cabinet 2-door large sheet steel safety cabinet 2-door working cover style sheet steel safety cabinet Containment sump for 1-door cabinet Containment sump for 2-door cabinet Perforated cover plate for 1-door cabinet Perforated cover plate for 2-door cabinet
1-door large sheet steel safety cabinet 2-door large sheet steel safety cabinet Containment sump for 1-door cabinet Containment sump for 2-door cabinet
2- door tall safety cabinet for toxics 2- door ventilated safety cabinet for toxics Poison chest - 12L Poison chest - 19L Retention shelf for cabinets MF4 - MF4SV Retention shelf in PVC for cabinets MF4 - MF4SV Sliding drawer for cabinets MF4 - MF4SV
2- door tall safety cabinet Type 60 - 4 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 60 - 4 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - 4 compartments 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 90 - 4 compartments
1- door underbench safety cabinet for acids 1- door underbench safety cabinet for bases 1- door underbench safety cabinet for flammables 1- door underbench safety cabinet for toxics 2- door underbench safety cabinet for acids and bases 2- door underbench safety cabinet for acids and flammables 2- door underbench safety cabinet for acids and toxics 2- door underbench safety cabinet for bases and flammables 2- door underbench safety cabinet for bases and toxics 2- door underbench safety cabinet for flammables and toxics 3- door underbench safety cabinet for acids, bases and flammables 4 swivel castors 2 with locking 4- door underbench safety cabinet for acids, bases, flammables and toxics IP 44 fan - 220 V for AC 30, BA 30 or TO 30 models - 85 m3/h Power regulation for fan M100-4
1- door working cover style sheet steel safety cabinet 1- door working cover style sheet steel safety cabinet 2- door working cover style sheet steel safety cabinet 2- door working cover style sheet steel safety cabinet
1- green door working cover safety cabinet 1- green door working cover safety cabinet 2- green door working cover safety cabinet 2- green door working cover safety cabinet (copie) Caillebotis pour bac de rétention - pour série 16 - 2 doors Retention bin for 16 series cabinets Retention bin for 16 series cabinets Retention bin grating - for 16 series - 1 door cabinet
1- door tall safety cabinet for pesticides 2- door tall safety cabinet for pesticides
Ductless fume hood 1200 mm - 1 Module - for liquid - two openings Ductless fume hood 1200 mm - 2 Modules - for clean room - one opening Ductless fume hood 1200 mm - 2 Modules - for clean room - two openings Ductless fume hood 1200 mm - 2 Modules - for liquid & powder - one opening Ductless fume hood 1200 mm - 2 Modules - for liquid & powder - two openings Ductless fume hood 1200 mm - 2 Modules - for liquid - one opening Ductless fume hood 1200 mm - 2 Modules - for liquid - two openings Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 2 modules - for clean room - one opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 2 modules - for clean room - two openings Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 2 modules - for liquid & powder - one opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 2 modules - for liquid & powder - two openings Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 2 modules - for liquid - one opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 2 modules - for liquid - two openings Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 modules - for clean room - one opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 modules - for clean room - two openings Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 modules - for liquid & powder - large opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 modules - for liquid & powder - one opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 modules - for liquid & powder - two openings Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 modules - for liquid - large opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 modules - for liquid - one opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 modules - for liquid - two openings Ductless fume hood 1800 mm - 3 modules - for liquid - Large opening Ductless fume hood 1800 mm - 4 modules - for clean room - large opening Ductless fume hood 1800 mm - 4 modules - for liquid & powder - large opening Ductless fume hood 1800 mm - 4 modules - for liquid - Large opening Ductless fume hood 600 mm - 1 Module - for liquid - one opening Ductless fume hood 900 mm - 1 Module - for liquid - two openings Ductless fume hood 900 mm - 2 Modules - for clean room - one opening Ductless fume hood 900 mm - 2 Modules - for clean room - two openings Ductless fume hood 900 mm - 2 Modules - for liquid & powder - one opening Ductless fume hood 900 mm - 2 Modules - for liquid - one opening Ductless fume hood 900 mm - 2 Modules - for liquid - two openings
Ventilated cabinet for external connection - High 1 door - 2 compartments Ventilated cabinet for external connection - High 2 doors - 2 compartments Ventilated cabinet for external connection - High 2 doors - 3 compartments Ventilated cabinet for external connection - High 2 doors - 4 compartments Ventilated cabinet for external connection - High 1 door
ATEX radial volute fan 2G Ex eb IIC T4 Gb PVC reducer - diameter 100/75 mm
2 compartments ventilation-filter cabinet Cabinet with filtering ventilation
Containment sump and melamine work-top for H06 Containment sump and melamine work-top for H09 Containment sump and melamine work-top for H12 Containment sump and melamine work-top for H15 Containment sump and tempered glass work-top for H06 Containment sump and tempered glass work-top for H09 Containment sump and tempered glass work-top for H12 Containment sump and tempered glass work-top for H15 Containment sump and tempered glass work-top for H18 Ductless fume hood 1200 mm - 1 Module - two openings Ductless fume hood 1200 mm - 2 Modules - one opening Ductless fume hood 1200 mm - 2 Modules - two openings Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 2 Modules - one opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 Modules - large opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 Modules - one opening Ductless fume hood 1500 mm - 3 Modules - two openings Ductless fume hood 1800 mm - 3 Modules - Large opening Ductless fume hood 1800 mm - 4 Modules - Large opening Ductless fume hood 600 mm - 1 Module - one opening Ductless fume hood 600 mm - 1 Module - two openings Ductless fume hood 900 mm - 1 Module - two openings Ductless fume hood 900 mm - 2 Modules - one opening Ductless fume hood 900 mm - 2 Modules - two openings Ductless fume hood LABOPUR H15 + 2 filtration module + 2-Hand Passage HEPA filter for ductless fume hoods H201 - H211 HEPA filter frame for H201 - H211 Kit for using H40 without an activated carbon filter Lighting for ductless fume hoods Table-cabinet for H06 Table-cabinet for H09 Table-cabinet for H12 Table-cabinet for H15 Table-cabinet for H18 Trolley with adjustable shelf for H06 Trolley with adjustable shelf for H09 Trolley with adjustable shelf for H12 Trolley with adjustable shelf for H15 Trolley with adjustable shelf for H18 Tubular table with feet for model H06 Tubular table with feet for model H09 Tubular table with feet for model H12 Tubular table with feet for model H15 Tubular table with feet for model H18 Tubular table with wheels for model H06 Tubular table with wheels for model H09 Tubular table with wheels for model H12 Tubular table with wheels for model H15 Tubular table with wheels for model H18
Fume hood LABOPUR® H06 for a connection to the outside - 1 trapezoidal opening Fume hood LABOPUR® H06 for a connection to the outside - 2 hand passage Fume hood LABOPUR® H09 for a connection to the outside - 1 trapezoidal opening Fume hood LABOPUR® H09 for a connection to the outside - 2 hand passage Fume hood LABOPUR® H12 for a connection to the outside - 1 trapezoidal opening Fume hood LABOPUR® H12 for a connection to the outside - 2 hand passage Fume hood LABOPUR® H15 for a connection to the outside - 1 large trapezoidal opening Fume hood LABOPUR® H15 for a connection to the outside - 1 trapezoidal opening Fume hood LABOPUR® H15 for a connection to the outside - 2 hand passage Lighting for fume hood to be connected to the outside
Front enclosure with UV light for FLV09 Front enclosure with UV light for FLV12 Gas valve with solenoid valve Replacement HEPA filter for FLV09 Replacement HEPA filter for FLV12 Replacement pre-filter for FLV09 Replacement pre-filter for FLV12 Support stand for FLV09 and PSM9 Support stand for FLV12 and PSM12 Vacuum valve Vertical laminar air flow cabinet, 1200 wide Vertical laminar air flow cabinet, 900 wide
Class II Microbiological safety cabinet, 1200 mm wide Exhaust HEPA filter for PSM12 Exhaust HEPA filter for PSM9 Front enclosure with UV light for PSM12 Front enclosure with UV light for PSM9
NF X 15-211 Mini ductless fume hood
Safety cabinet - to put on a bench or wall mounted Safety cabinet with filtration - to put on a bench or wall mounted
1- glass door tall safety cabinet with filtration 1- glass door tall safety cabinet with filtration - 2 compartments - Suitable with HEPA filter 1- glass door tall safety cabinet with filtration - 2 compartments 2- glass door tall safety cabinet with filtration - 2 compartments 2- glass door tall safety cabinet with filtration - 3 compartments 2- glass door tall safety cabinet with filtration - 4 compartments Half-shelf for range 12.X Half-shelf for range 12P Half-shelf for range 12P HEPA filter for cabinets range 12.X HEPA filter frame for cabinets range 12.X Manual pump intended to measure an activated carbon filter saturation Pack of 10 reactive tubes for corrosive vapors Pack of 10 reactive tubes for organic vapors Pack of 5 reactive tubes for corrosive vapors and 5 for organic vapors Shelf for cabinets for range 12.X
1- door tall safety cabinet with filtration 1- glass door tall safety cabinet with filtration 2- door tall safety cabinet with filtration - 2 compartments 2- glass door tall safety cabinet with filtration - 2 compartments Industrial absorbing mat (pack of 10 sheets)
1- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 with filtration 1- glass door tall safety cabinet Type 30 with filtration 2- door tall safety cabinet Type 30 with filtration 2- glass door tall safety cabinet Type 30 with filtration
Labopur air recirculation unit - NF X 15-211 Labopur air recirculation unit with Filtralarme - NF X 15-211 Vertical recycling air box (delivered without filter)
Clamp collar - diameter 100 mm Connecting kit Connection sleeve - diemeter 100 mm Flexible sleeve in PVC - 1 meter Join of flexible sleeve - diameter 100 mm PVC cross - diameter 100 mm PVC elbow (90°) - diameter 100 mm PVC reducer - diameter 125/100 mm T in PVC diameter 100 mm Ventilation box for a connection to the outside
Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - for old fume hoods type 300, 301, 310 and 311 Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - for old fume hoods type 300, 301, 310 and 311 Activated carbon filter for ammonia vapors - for old fume hoods type 1500, 1501, 1510 and 1511 Activated carbon filter for ammonia vapors - for old fume hoods type 200, 201, 210 and 211 Activated carbon filter for ammonia vapors - for old fume hoods type 2500, 2501, 2510 and 2511 Activated carbon filter for ammonia vapors - for old fume hoods type 300, 301, 310 and 311 Activated carbon filter for ammonia vapors - for old fume hoods type 500, 501, 510 and 511 Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - Compatible MF3-F Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - Compatible MF3-K Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - for old fume hoods type 200, 201, 210 and 211 Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - for old fume hoods type 3500, 3501, 3510 and 3511 Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - for old fume hoods type 400, 401, 410 and 411 Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - for old fume hoods type 500, 501, 510 and 511 Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - for fume hoods type H60 and H70 Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - for old fume hoods type 200, 201, 210 and 211 Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - for old fume hoods type 500, 501, 510 and 511 Activated carbon filter for organic vapors - for fume hoods type H60 and H70 Activated carbon filter for organic vapors for H1500 - H1501 - H1510 - H1511 Activated carbon filter for organic vapors for H200 - H201 - H210 - H211 Activated carbon filter for organic vapors for H2500 - H2501 - H2510 - H2511 Activated carbon filter for organic vapors for H300 - H301 - H310 - H311 Activated carbon filter for organic vapors for H500 - H501 - H510 - H511 HEPA filter for ductless fume hoods H301 - H311 HEPA filter frame for H301 - H311 Kit to use the fume hood without activated carbon filter - for old fume hoods type 200, 201, 210 and 211 Recycling for used activated carbon filter Type -200 Recycling for used activated carbon filter Type -300/400/1300/2300 Recycling for used activated carbon filter Type -50 Recycling for used activated carbon filter Type -500/1500/2500/3500 Recycling for used HEPA filter
Activated carbon filter for ammonia vapors - for cabinets range 12.X since 2008 Activated carbon filter for ammonia vapors - for filtration box H50C (or old cabinets range 12 before 2002) Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - Compatible MF4-F Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - for cabinets range 12.X since 2008 Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - for filtration box H40 (or old cabinets range 12.X before 2008) Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - for filtration box H50C (or old cabinets range 12.X before 2002) Activated carbon filter for formaldehyde vapors - for filtration box type CDF or cabinet AF10 Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - Compatible MF3-BE Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - Compatible MF4-BE Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - for cabinets range 12.X since 2008 Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - for filtration box H40 (or old cabinets range 12.X before 2008) Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - for filtration box H50C (or old cabinets range 12.X before 2002) Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - for filtration box type CDF or cabinet AF10 Activated carbon filter for organic and corrosive vapors - for old cabinets range 12.X before 2002 Activated carbon filter for organic vapors - Compatible MF3-AS Activated carbon filter for organic vapors - Compatible MF4-AS Activated carbon filter for organic vapors - for cabinets range 12.X since 2008 Activated carbon filter for organic vapors - for filtration box H40 (or old cabinets range 12.X before 2008) Activated carbon filter for organic vapors - for filtration box H50C (or old cabinets range 12.X before 2002) Activated carbon filter for organic vapors - for filtration box type CDF or cabinet AF10 Kit to use the fume hood without activated carbon filter - for cabinets range 12.X since 2008 Kit to use the fume hood without activated carbon filter - for filtration box H50C (or old cabinets range 12 before 2002) Recycling for used activated carbon filter of safety cabinet Type -50 Recycling for used activated carbon filter Type -300 Recycling for used activated carbon filter Type -CDF Recycling for used activated carbon filter Type -FC Recycling for used HEPA filter
Non-magnetic safety cabinet High, 2 glass hinged doors Non-magnetic safety cabinet tall, PMMA front
Containment sump built in polypropylene Containment sump for 1- door cabinets Types 30, 60 & 90 Containment sump for 2- door cabinets Types 30, 60 & 90 Containment sump in PVC Perforated cover plate for 1-door or multirisk safety cabinets Types 30, 60 & 90 Perforated cover plate for 2-door safety cabinets Types 30, 60 & 90 Retention shelf for 1-door or multirisk safety cabinets Types 30, 60 & 90 Retention shelf for 2-door safety cabinets Types 30, 60 & 90 Shelf protection in PVC
2 drums containment pallet (in line) 3 drums containment pallet (in line) 4 drums containment pallet (in line) 4 drums containment pallet (in square) 4 drums containment pallet (in square) 8 drums containment pallet (in line) Joining clips Ramp for the containment pallets
Containment sump built in black polyethylene + perforated cover plate - 100L Containment sump built in black polyethylene + perforated cover plate - 20L Containment sump built in black polyethylene + perforated cover plate - 30L Containment sump built in black polyethylene + perforated cover plate - 40L Containment sump built in black polyethylene + perforated cover plate - 60L Containment sump built in black polyethylene - 100L Containment sump built in black polyethylene - 20L Containment sump built in black polyethylene - 30L Containment sump built in black polyethylene - 40L Containment sump built in black polyethylene - 60L Covered polyethylene outdoor spill pallett Spill palett for 1000L IBC
Containment sump for RRA40 - RRA404 - RRA404ES Containment sump for RRA60 - RRA604 - RRA604ES Retention module Safety shelving built in HDPE - 5 shelves Safety shelving built in steel - 4 shelves Safety shelving built in steel - 4 shelves Safety shelving built in steel - 4 shelves Safety shelving built in steel - 4 shelves Safety shelving built in steel - 5 shelves Safety shelving built in steel - 5 shelves
Yellow can 0.4 L Yellow can 0.4 L Yellow can 1 L Yellow can 1 L
Double-use container Hose built in stainless steel with flame arrester grid
Bench container built in galvanized steel - 4L Plunger container built in galvanized steel Plunger container built in galvanized steel - 1L Plunger container built in polyethylene - 1L Red safety can for flammables - 1,9L Red safety can for flammables - 19L Safety can for corrosive products - 19L Safety can for corrosive products - 3,8L Safety can for corrosive products - 7,6L Safety can for corrosive products - 9,5L Safety can for flammable liquids - 0,9L Safety can for flammable liquids - 19L Safety can for flammable liquids - 3,8L Safety can for flammable liquids - 7,5L Safety can for flammable liquids - 9,5L Safety can for flammable liquids with a faucet - 19L Safety can for flammable liquids with a faucet - 9,5L
Moistener 1l, with flame trap - unpolished Moistener 2l, with flame trap - unpolished Moistener 5l, with flame trap - unpolished Safety-barrel 10l with screw cap 1½ Safety-barrel 10l with screw cap 1½ Safety-barrel 10l with self-closing tap ¾ Safety-barrel 10l with self-closing tap ¾ Safety-barrel 25l with screw cap 1½ Safety-barrel 25l with screw cap 1½ Safety-barrel 25l with self-closing tap ¾ Safety-barrel 25l with self-closing tap ¾ Safety-barrel 50l with screw cap 1½ Safety-barrel 50l with self-closing tap ¾ Safety-barrel 50l with self-closing tap ¾ Safety-can 1l with self-closing metering device 1¼ Safety-can 2l with self-closing metering device 1¼ Safety-can 5l with self-closing metering device 1¼ Safety-canister 10l with screw cap 1½ Safety-canister 10l with self-closing metering device 1½ Safety-canister 20l with screw cap 1½ Safety-canister 20l with self-closing metering device 1½ Safety-canister 5l with screw cap 1½ Safety-canister 5l with self-closing metering device 1½ Safety-transportation-can 1l with screw cap 1¼ Safety-transportation-can 2l with screw cap 1¼ Safety-transportation-can 5l with screw cap 1¼
Secured cabinet with 20 individual lockers Secured cabinet with 35 individual lockers
Secured cabinet for the distribution of masks and hydroalcoholic gel - 20 lockers Secured cabinet for the distribution of masks and hydroalcoholic gel - 35 lockers
Safety waste bin - 110L Safety waste bin - 110L Safety waste bin - 110L Safety waste bin - 15L Safety waste bin - 15L Safety waste bin - 15L Safety waste bin - 30L Safety waste bin - 30L Safety waste bin - 30L Safety waste bin - 50L Safety waste bin - 50L Safety waste bin - 50L Safety waste bin - 80L Safety waste bin - 80L Safety waste bin - 80L
Red foot operated waste can - 20L Red foot operated waste can - 34L Red foot operated waste can - 52L Red foot operated waste can - 80L Yellow foot operated waste can - 20L Yellow foot operated waste can - 34L Yellow foot operated waste can - 52L Yellow foot operated waste can - 80L
Fire blanket - Size 120x120 Fire blanket - Size 180x120
Safety ashtray with recovery seal - Beige Safety ashtray with recovery seal - Black Safety ashtray with recovery seal - Green Safety ashtray with recovery seal - Grey Safety ashtray with recovery seal - Terra cotta
2- door tall cabinet for documents 2- door working cover cabinet for documents Shelf for cabinets AD1204 - AD2004 Shelf for suspension files
2- door tall cabinet for documents 2- door working cover cabinet for documents Shelf for cabinets AD130 - AD300 Shelf for suspension files
1- door tall safety cabinet - Type 30 - For documents 2- door tall safety cabinet - Type 30 - For documents 2- door working cover safety cabinet - Type 30 - For documents
1- door tall safety cabinet - Type 60 - For documents 2- door tall safety cabinet - Type 60 - For documents 2- door working cover safety cabinet Type 60 - For documents
1- door tall safety cabinet - Type 90 - For documents 1- door working cover safety cabinet - Type 90 - For documents 2- door tall safety cabinet - Type 90 - For documents 2- door working cover safety cabinet - Type 90 - For documents Shelf for suspension files for cabinet 3034DE Shelf for suspension files for cabinet 3035DE
Dual-component decontamination spray Portable decontaminating body shower 5L Portable decontamination solution
Combination shower - wall mounted for indoor use Combination shower eyewasher for indoor use Combination shower eyewasher for indoor use Combination shower eyewasher for indoor use Combination shower eyewasher for indoor use Combination shower eyewasher for outdoor use Combination shower eyewasher for outdoor use Combination shower eyewasher for outdoor/indoor use Heating cable kit Thermostatic mixing valve for safety eye-wash Thermostatic mixing valve for safety shower and combination unit
Safety eye-washer - wall mounted for indoor use Safety eye-washer - wall mounted for indoor use Safety eye-washer - wall mounted for indoor use Safety eye-washer - wall mounted for indoor use Safety eye-washer for indoor out outdoor use Safety eye-washer for indoor use Safety eye-washer for indoor use
Safety shower - wall mounted for indoor use Safety shower - wall mounted for indoor use Safety shower - wall mounted for indoor use Safety shower for indoor use Safety shower for indoor use
Safety eye-washer - deck mounted for indoor use Safety eye-washer - desk mounted for indoor use Safety eye-washer - wall mounted for indoor use Safety eye-washer - wall mounted for indoor use
1000 mL bottle with pH neutral solution 200 mL bottle with pH neutral solution 200 mL bottle with sterile sodium chloride solution Belt bag with 1 bottle 200 mL of sterile sodium chloride solution Eye-wash kit delivered with 500 mL bottle with sodium chloride solution - 1 eye-wash bottle - 2 eye-pads - 1 scissors - 1 soft tissues (pack) - 1 adhe Eye-wash station with 1x 500 mL of sterile sodium chloride solution Eye-wash station with 2x 500 mL of sterile sodium chloride solution Green polyethylene wall case 6L Green polyethylene wall case 9L Kit for safety showers Portable shower station - 6L Portable shower station - 9L Replacement CO2 cartridge for DPA6 Replacement CO2 cartridge for DPA9 Set of 2 bottles of 500 mL with sterile sodium chloride solution Station with 1x 1000 mL of pH neutral solution Station with 1x 200 mL of pH neutral solution and 1x 500 mL of sterile sodium chloride solution Station with 1x 200 mL of pH neutral solution and 1x 500 mL of sterile sodium chloride solution
ABS shower head ABS shower head ABS shower head Double diffuser nozzle Double diffuser nozzle Dust cover faucet, set of 2 Dust cover faucet, set of 2 Eye-wash bowl in ABS Eye-wash bowl in stainless steel Eye-wash bowl stainless steel + epoxy Faucet nozzle Faucet nozzle Faucet nozzle M24x100 Foot treadle Pull rod Push plate valve opening Push plate valve opening Stainless steel foot treadle Stainless steel pull rod Stainless steel push plate valve opening Stainless steel shower head Stainless steel valve 1/4 turn Stainless steel valve 1/4 turn Valve 1/4 turn Valve 1/4 turn Valve 1/4 turn F/F G1 Valve 1/4 turn M/F G1 Valve 1/4 turn M/F G1/2 Valve spring
1- door tall medicine cabinet 2- door tall medicine cabinet Wall-mounted medicine cabinet - 2 shelves Wall-mounted medicine cabinet - 4 shelves
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